May 28, 2014
Many of you have heard me say this, and you know that not only do I mean it, but it has happened. The negative ripple effect of abortion in my biological family, the negative ripple effect that it has had across generations, has ended with me. New life, forgiveness,...
Jun 11, 2012
It’s FINALLY finished! Okay—the first draft of it, anyway. Lots of people ask if I have a book out, and now, I am so close to having one out! To give you an idea of what the book is about, here is an excerpt from the prologue of From Surviving to...
Feb 23, 2011
While my website is under construction, I wanted to make sure to have a list of resources available to anyone who is in need of resources and supports in the face of pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and adoption search and reunion. These resources will be soon moved to...
Jan 21, 2011
As NARAL’s website announced recently: On January 21, 2011 – the Friday before the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade – we invite pro-choice bloggers and activists to join us for Blog for Choice Day! Blog for Choice Day is in its sixth year – I...
Jan 5, 2011
It was announced to the public this week that I have became the patron of Real Choices Australia. I am excited about the opportunity I have to not only work with them but to work with individuals and organizations across Australia to provide real choices and support...
Dec 31, 2010
Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that 2010 was one of blessing to each of you, and if you faced hardships or losses, that you find 2011 to be a year of hope and greater blessings. As we move forward another year, I thought it fitting to look back on this past year...
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