The Story of a Life
“Your current circumstances are part of your redemption story He is writing”-Evinda Lepins

I don’t believe God originally wrote abortion into my life, as God is the Creator of Life, but when it was introduced by man, or in my case, a woman, He rewrote the story of my life around it, to create the story of a life that is more intricate, more redemptive, more grace-filled, than anything anyone else could have planned or written.
The Story of a Life
“Your current circumstances are part of your redemption story He is writing”-Evinda Lepins
I don’t believe God originally wrote abortion into my life, as God is the Creator of Life, but when it was introduced by man, or in my case, a woman, He rewrote the story of my life around it, to create the story of a life that is more intricate, more redemptive, more grace-filled, than anything anyone else could have planned or written.

You Carried Me
What happens when an abortion survivor finds her birth mother, who never knew her daughter was alive? Melissa Ohden is fourteen when she learns she is the survivor of a botched abortion.

“One decision, one single moment, can have such a detrimental impact on so many people, living and dead, born and yet to be conceived.”

What does a failed abortion look like? It looks like a live human being.
An open letter from an abortion survivor to the daughter of “Jane Roe”
As originally posted at NRLC News and Views, October 8, 2021: Melissa, an old friend, miraculously survived a saline abortion in 1977. She has told her story of reconciliation with her biological mother all over the world. including at many NRL National Convention....
”You become. It takes a long time...Generally, by the time you’re Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all..” A friend posted this photo recently on FB, and...