Sep 13, 2011
I’m only four weeks into my pregnancy with our second child (yay! We are thrilled!), but I feel like I’ve already gained as much perspective through it as I did through my entire pregnancy with Olivia (which was a lot, and life-changing). Two of my most...
Jan 5, 2011
It was announced to the public this week that I have became the patron of Real Choices Australia. I am excited about the opportunity I have to not only work with them but to work with individuals and organizations across Australia to provide real choices and support...
Oct 6, 2010
Life Network Australia – Wednesday, October 06, 2010 You may recently have heard about Melissa Ohden considered a ‘voice for the voiceless’. Melissa miraculously survived an attempted saline abortion at around six months in the womb. After years of...
Aug 23, 2010
Tomorrow, August 24th, is 33 years to the day that the saline infusion for abortion that was intended to take my life was initiated by my biological mother. My “birth” day, literally, my survival day, is actually August 29th, the day that I was delivered...
Nov 22, 2009
I read the following article on Pro-Life Blogs earlier this weekend, and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since then. At the surface level, I’ve opposed the coverage of abortion in health care reform because I don’t believe that abortion...
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