Jul 2, 2009
With Independence Day fast approaching, I’ve been reflecting on the basic concepts of life and liberty a lot lately. I want to first of all thank all of the men and women who have given of their time, their own freedoms, and even their lives to preserve the...
Jun 18, 2009
Once again, I apologize that I am not posting very frequently. Unfortunately, it has been a couple of very long weeks at our house. Our darling Olivia first had a terrible allergic reaction to strawberries last week (we had been trying, by trial and error, to take...
Jun 7, 2009
“And who says that prayers go unanswered?” Father Callahan said out loud to the group of individuals gathered at the Respect Life Service in Onawa, Iowa, on April 19, 2009, as he gave the closing prayer for the evening. Tears streaming down his face, this was not the...
Feb 5, 2008
December 13, 2007 So, I’ve been thinking A LOT. Isn’t it fascinating that our first child is going to be a girl?! It’s like everything is coming full circle. The first daughter that was not supposed to have life is going to give life to her first daughter. This is no...
Feb 2, 2008
What a day! Today Ryan and I went to our Childbirth Express class. I must admit, I am so proud of how well he handled it! He survived the quite graphic birth videos, and tried very hard to practice my breathing techniques with me. Unfortunately, we had a little too...
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