Sep 13, 2011
I’m only four weeks into my pregnancy with our second child (yay! We are thrilled!), but I feel like I’ve already gained as much perspective through it as I did through my entire pregnancy with Olivia (which was a lot, and life-changing). Two of my most...
Aug 4, 2011
As President Obama celebrates his 50th birthday today, I want to congratulate him on this great achievement. I wish you a wonderful birthday, Mr. President, but I can’t help but reflect on how so many other children (tens of millions, to be exact), will never...
Jan 21, 2011
As NARAL’s website announced recently: On January 21, 2011 – the Friday before the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade – we invite pro-choice bloggers and activists to join us for Blog for Choice Day! Blog for Choice Day is in its sixth year – I...
Jan 5, 2011
It was announced to the public this week that I have became the patron of Real Choices Australia. I am excited about the opportunity I have to not only work with them but to work with individuals and organizations across Australia to provide real choices and support...
Oct 6, 2010
Life Network Australia – Wednesday, October 06, 2010 You may recently have heard about Melissa Ohden considered a ‘voice for the voiceless’. Melissa miraculously survived an attempted saline abortion at around six months in the womb. After years of...
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