Suicide Spikes Among Middle Aged Women (The abortion link)

I was reading today on the MSNBC Health site about a new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) which shows a 49 percent increase in emergency department visits for drug-related suicide attempts for women aged 50 and older....

A Voice for Life

What was once just a mere thought is now a reality! The documentary, A Voice for Life, will be premiering in just a few short weeks at the Heartbeat International Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on May 19th. A Voice for Life is a pro-life film that is the result of God...

The Apathy is Killing Me

I often hear it said that in general, apathy is one of the greatest problems facing our country and literally the world, today.  Rather than taking a stand one way or the other on issue, rather than getting involved in support of or against a particular circumstance...

Need Hope? Need Help?

While my website is under construction, I wanted to make sure to have a list of resources available to anyone who is in need of resources and supports in the face of pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and adoption search and reunion.  These resources will be soon moved to...