Jan 10, 2012
Thanks to the Family Research Council (FRC) and their current pro-life campaign, “I’m Pro-Life Because,” for...
Jan 2, 2012
“How do you know if you’re making a difference?” the man in the audience asked me during a question and answer session at a high school pro-life rally that I spoke at in 2011. This moment will forever be ingrained in my memory. I was not so much surprised at...
Nov 22, 2011
“Every pregnancy is different,” people kept reminding me. “It must be a boy, who has the disposition of his father, all laid-back and calm, not fiery like his mother,” Ryan and I joked. Call it a mother’s intuition, but I knew there was something incredibly...
Nov 22, 2011
This is a continuation from part one, Abortion Survivor Reflects on the Pain of Her Miscarriage. “Was this pregnancy planned?” the doctor asked Ryan and I, as we sat in her office the morning after our ultrasound, for what was to be our first scheduled prenatal...
Nov 9, 2011
Little did I know when I began working on this book, that we hope to have published in the next 12 months, that our lives would continue to provide experiences and events that would give a new meaning and new perspective to the journey from surviving to thriving and...
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