Pregnancy Adds Perspective

I’m only four weeks into my pregnancy with our second child (yay! We are thrilled!), but I feel like I’ve already gained as much perspective through it as I did through my entire pregnancy with Olivia (which was a lot, and life-changing).  Two of my most...

Happy BIRTHday, Mr. President

As President Obama celebrates his 50th birthday today, I want to congratulate him on this great achievement.  I wish you a wonderful birthday, Mr. President, but I can’t help but reflect on how so many other children (tens of millions, to be exact), will never...

Forgiveness and Healing-Upcoming Webcast

Having an abortion can leave women and men with emotional and psychological pain that lasts for years. If you struggle with regret from your decision, don’t miss a safe and honest, encouraging episode of Your Family Live next Wednesday, May 18th, as we help you find...

A Voice for Life

What was once just a mere thought is now a reality! The documentary, A Voice for Life, will be premiering in just a few short weeks at the Heartbeat International Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on May 19th. A Voice for Life is a pro-life film that is the result of God...

The Apathy is Killing Me

I often hear it said that in general, apathy is one of the greatest problems facing our country and literally the world, today.  Rather than taking a stand one way or the other on issue, rather than getting involved in support of or against a particular circumstance...