Two Months and Ten Survivors Later…

Since The Abortion Survivor Network ( got up and running in late March, I am pleased to share that beautiful and amazing things have been happening! Not only are individuals being educated about the prevalence of abortion survivors and the...

There Is No ‘Going to Disneyland’ After Abortion

“I’m going to Disneyland!” You won the Super Bowl? You sailed around the world? Now what are you going to do? Go to Disneyland, that’s what.  Or so the catchphrase goes. Maybe it’s because I’m the mother of a soon to be...

Life on the Rock

Just a reminder that I will be a guest on a pre-recorded show of Life on the Rock on EWTN, this Thursday, March 1st at 10 PM. For more information on the show that is hosted by Father Mark and Doug Barry, click on this link: More blog...

Pause for Thanks in Preparation of the March for Life

With the March for Life just a few short days away, I know that pro-life leaders, organizations, and hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers are in a whirlwind of preparation for the upcoming events.  It is with both a mixture of excitement (to see old friends, make new...

I’m Pro-Life Because…

                                        Thanks to the Family Research Council (FRC) and their current pro-life campaign, “I’m Pro-Life Because,” for...