Abortion Survivor Found Loving Family In Storm Lake

Here’s another article, written by Dolores Cullen with the Storm Lake Times, whose link hasn’t been working properly. Abortion survivor found loving family in Storm Lake, Iowa Melissa Ohden becomes a political pro-life advocate ‘I started to make sounds...

Aborted and Survived

Since I’ve determined that some of the media links that I have had on the site for awhile don’t always work, I thought that I would post some of the older articles that some people may not have had a chance to read.  This one is from January 2009, written...


Once again, I apologize that I am not posting very frequently. Unfortunately, it has been a couple of very long weeks at our house. Our darling Olivia first had a terrible allergic reaction to strawberries last week (we had been trying, by trial and error, to take...

The greatest gift I can give my child

December 13, 2007 So, I’ve been thinking A LOT. Isn’t it fascinating that our first child is going to be a girl?! It’s like everything is coming full circle. The first daughter that was not supposed to have life is going to give life to her first daughter. This is no...