Nov 18, 2010
Honestly, I have a million other things that I should be working on right now, including the script for the documentary that is going to be produced about my survival and life, and the manuscript of my book, Ablaze, that needs to be to the editor again very soon, but...
Nov 11, 2010
Here’s my story about the given name-aborted child, that I struggled with for many years of my life, and my true name, my secret name from God-wonderfully made, that set me free from my pain and allowed me to be transformed into the person that I am today. If...
Oct 28, 2010
Friday 29 October 2010 In 1977 Melissa Ohden survived a failed saline infusion abortion and was born after approximately six months gestation. Despite the initial concerns about her future, she has not only survived but thrived. With the love and support of her...
Oct 6, 2010
Aborted babies ‘being left to die’ The Age Barney Zwartz October 7, 2010 BABIES that are surviving late-term abortions at Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital might be being left on shelves to die, according to an Anglican minister. Dr Mark...
Oct 6, 2010
Life Network Australia – Wednesday, October 06, 2010 You may recently have heard about Melissa Ohden considered a ‘voice for the voiceless’. Melissa miraculously survived an attempted saline abortion at around six months in the womb. After years of...
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