
It never fails, or more likely, I should say, He never fails. The minute that I start to feel a little down about not having any outright opportunities to share my testimony with others, as I don’t have any speaking events scheduled now until January, and even...

Requiem for the disappeared

Requiem for the Disappeared I finally had the opportunity Friday night to view Citizens for a Pro-Life Society’s Requiem for the Disappeared.  I must admit that I was even more moved and impressed by the video than I had thought that I would be.  I had first...

Abortion Ends A Human Life?

I read in the Sioux City Journal that a Federal judge will hear oral arguments on July 17th regarding a lawsuit challenging a South Dakota law that requires doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the procedure will end a human life. Planned Parenthood, which...

My Top 10-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

When considering the impact of abortion and the number of lives lost from it, it is often stated that our world has likely lost out on many important and influential individuals, doctors who could have found a cure for cancer, the next president of the U.S., so on and...