International Week of Prayer and Fasting

Where, oh where has the last month gone?! I was so blessed in October to speak at a number of events locally and across the nation, and I have been fully planning to write about them but the month of October certainly got away from me, and here it is November 12th...

Pregnancy Support Center Celebrates Life

ROANOKE RAPIDS-Hundreds of people celebrated “A person is a person, no matter how small” Thursday night at the Pregnancy Support Center’s annual fundraising banquet. The words made famous by Dr. Seuss in Horton “Hears a Who” stressed the importance of...

Requiem for the disappeared

Requiem for the Disappeared I finally had the opportunity Friday night to view Citizens for a Pro-Life Society’s Requiem for the Disappeared.  I must admit that I was even more moved and impressed by the video than I had thought that I would be.  I had first...

The greatest gift I can give my child

December 13, 2007 So, I’ve been thinking A LOT. Isn’t it fascinating that our first child is going to be a girl?! It’s like everything is coming full circle. The first daughter that was not supposed to have life is going to give life to her first daughter. This is no...