My epiphany

As originally published for National Right to Life’s News Today on May 2, 2013 as “An Epiphany for an Abortion Survivor.” I had an epiphany today at Live Action’s ‘Stop the Killing’ rally outside of abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo’s clinic in...

Awareness is Growing About Abortion Survivors

As printed on April 23,2013 in National Right to Life’s News Today. The floodgates have been opened.  Recently, I wrote for National Right to Life News Today about how the abortion conversation has shifted over the past forty years ( I...

Seeing “us” again on a flight

As published in National Right to Life News Today on April. 18, 2013. Systemically aborting babies deemed “different” or disabled is not only a reflect of intolerance and discrimination, it also deepens and embeds these ugly attitudes. Just the other day, I was on a...

The Culture of Life and the Culture of Death: dueling conversations

As posted in National Right to Life News Today on April 3, 2013. After 40 years, thanks to onrushing scientific evidence,  it is no longer possible for abortion advocates to shroud the humanity of unborn babies in dismissive phrases such as  “blob of tissue,”  a...

I’m Personally Pro-Life BUT…..

There I was, my face pressed to the glass of the partition in the airport, straining to hear the announcement of Pope Francis yesterday, reveling in the excitement of the moment, when all of a sudden, I heard the following words being exchanged by my fellow...