Nov 22, 2009
I read the following article on Pro-Life Blogs earlier this weekend, and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since then. At the surface level, I’ve opposed the coverage of abortion in health care reform because I don’t believe that abortion...
Nov 19, 2009
As if the secrecy and shame that surrounds abortion isn’t silencing enough, there are doctors like Hodari who not only allegedly forced a woman to have an abortion but literally silenced her during the process, and likewise, for over a year afterwards. I first...
Nov 17, 2009
After one short day at home, I headed back down (by myself this time) to Texas, Belton to be exact, to meet with pro-life students, residential assistants, and also to speak at chapel. Although I was excited about speaking on a college campus again (it had been over...
Nov 16, 2009
I don’t always have time to write about all of the events that I speak at, but they are always memorable for one reason or another. And although my speaking at St. Joseph’s parish in Anthon, Iowa, on October 22nd, seemed on first glance to be just another small event...
Nov 14, 2009
Where, oh where has the last month gone?! I was so blessed in October to speak at a number of events locally and across the nation, and I have been fully planning to write about them but the month of October certainly got away from me, and here it is November 12th...
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