Nov 25, 2009
Since I’ve determined that some of the media links that I have had on the site for awhile don’t always work, I thought that I would post some of the older articles that some people may not have had a chance to read. This one is from January 2009, written...
Nov 24, 2009
Heroes are ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Pro-Life advocate Jim Pouillon may have lived what seemed an ordinary life, but in his death, he was doing something extraordinary-being a witness to the reality of abortion, witnessing to save the lives of...
Nov 24, 2009
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the culture of death has been embedded into the fabric of our society for decades now, and how, although we are certainly making strides (with the majority of Americans now identifying themselves as pro-life, with people...
Nov 23, 2009
It never fails, or more likely, I should say, He never fails. The minute that I start to feel a little down about not having any outright opportunities to share my testimony with others, as I don’t have any speaking events scheduled now until January, and even...
Nov 22, 2009
The Measure of Success by Bill Sherrill Each day, I receive emails with daily scripture and positive thoughts to live by, by Heartlight. Although I am almost always struck by the profoundness of both the scripture passages and the articles that I receive, the...
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