The Book of Life

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be—Psalm 139:16, NIV. The book of life.  Scripture mentions the book of life numerous times, whether in reference to how God knew us before He formed us,...

From Surviving to Thriving, the Journey in Overcoming

Little did I know when I began working on this book, that we hope to have published in the next 12 months, that our lives would continue to provide experiences and events that would give a new meaning and new perspective to the journey from surviving to thriving and...


I have been working and re-working a manuscript for about two years now that chronicles my life as the survivor of a failed abortion attempt, my search for my biological family, my search fo self/meaning/purpose in my life and in my ministry, and my life and work as a...