Jan 29, 2014
As originally posted on LifeNews on January 29, 2014 “There are other people who are haunted by abortion, too. Nurses and doctors.” No sooner had the woman in the crowd after a recent event quietly spoken these words to me, when the tears began to...
Dec 4, 2012
Children surviving abortions. Children surviving abortions and being left to die. Very seldom do many in our world think about these circumstances, because, frankly, it seems impossible and at the same time horrifying. And if these kinds of circumstances are...
Oct 6, 2010
Aborted babies ‘being left to die’ The Age Barney Zwartz October 7, 2010 BABIES that are surviving late-term abortions at Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital might be being left on shelves to die, according to an Anglican minister. Dr Mark...
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