Nov 19, 2013
As originally posted by LifeNews on November 15, 2013 I pinched my finger in a door the other day, and as I let out a yelp of pain in response, simultaneously, a thought suddenly flashed through my mind that I hadn’t let cross it in a long time: ‘I wonder how...
Oct 6, 2010
Aborted babies ‘being left to die’ The Age Barney Zwartz October 7, 2010 BABIES that are surviving late-term abortions at Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital might be being left on shelves to die, according to an Anglican minister. Dr Mark...
Sep 24, 2010
A voice from the womb you were not meant to hear Posted by Lyle Shelton, Chief of Staff on September 23rd, 2010 They live among us but they weren’t meant to. Of the one billion unborn babies killed since society decided abortion was a better choice than supporting...
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