What Would You Say?

As published in National Right to Life News Today on May 30, 2013: If you had to stand before a child who was condemned to die simply because of who they were, what would you say if you heard…. “I’m sorry you were a girl, I really wanted a boy.” “The women are only...

My epiphany

As originally published for National Right to Life’s News Today on May 2, 2013 as “An Epiphany for an Abortion Survivor.” I had an epiphany today at Live Action’s ‘Stop the Killing’ rally outside of abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo’s clinic in...

Seeing “us” again on a flight

As published in National Right to Life News Today on April. 18, 2013. Systemically aborting babies deemed “different” or disabled is not only a reflect of intolerance and discrimination, it also deepens and embeds these ugly attitudes. Just the other day, I was on a...

I’m Personally Pro-Life BUT…..

There I was, my face pressed to the glass of the partition in the airport, straining to hear the announcement of Pope Francis yesterday, reveling in the excitement of the moment, when all of a sudden, I heard the following words being exchanged by my fellow...

One Door Closed, Another Opened

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us,” Alexander Graham Bell. I’ll be honest about a couple of things from the get-go.  Number 1:  I never knew the...