How Much Pain Did I Experience in the Abortion I Survived?

As originally posted by LifeNews on November 15, 2013   I pinched my finger in a door the other day, and as I let out a yelp of pain in response, simultaneously, a thought suddenly flashed through my mind that I hadn’t let cross it in a long time: ‘I wonder how...

Adoption Is An Option That Everyone Can Live With

As originally printed as ‘My Parents Adopted Me After I Survived an Abortion’ on LifeNews on November 4, 2013 “They were called to be his parents, and I was just blessed to be a part of it.”  These were the sentiments that a birthfather shared at New Life...

And the greatest of these is love

Truth. Legislation. Love. When I’m asked about the most important tools that we can utilize in the pro-life movement, these make up what I see as the three-legged stool. Each leg, on its own, serves an important purpose. But they also work in a complementary way to...

Memorial Service Remembers Babies Killed in Abortions at Closed Clinic

As published originally on LifeNews on June 17, 2013 One by one, abortion clinics across the U.S. are closing. (Insert applause here). I was blessed to take part in a memorial service on Saturday, June 15th at one such clinic, The American Family Planning (AFP) Clinic...