My Top 10-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

When considering the impact of abortion and the number of lives lost from it, it is often stated that our world has likely lost out on many important and influential individuals, doctors who could have found a cure for cancer, the next president of the U.S., so on and...

The Power of Prayer

“And who says that prayers go unanswered?” Father Callahan said out loud to the group of individuals gathered at the Respect Life Service in Onawa, Iowa, on April 19, 2009, as he gave the closing prayer for the evening. Tears streaming down his face, this was not the...

Pregnant Teen Charged In Beating Case

I just heard about this story on Family Radio the radio the other day, involving a 17-year-old, pregnant teen in Utah, who allegedly paid a man to beat her up and induce a miscarriage.  This young woman is accused of paying 21-year-old Arron Harrison $150 to beat her...

Recap of the St. Mary’s Events-03/15-03/16/09

On the evening of Sunday, March 15, I had a homecoming of sorts. I gave a speech in Storm Lake, Iowa, at the St. Mary’s church. Open to the public, this was the first speech of mine that my adoptive father had attended. In addition, my adoptive mother, aunt,...

Love Never Fails

This morning, Olivia and I participated in a Walk for Life for the Alpha Center in Sioux City.  I hope to get a couple of pictures from it to post here (I still need to try out the new services available).  It was a gorgeous day, and Olivia and I both enjoyed our...

My Apologies and An Update

My apologies for saying that I had catching up to do and then not doing it. Of course, now that just leaves me with even more catching up to do! I don’t know where time has gone this past year, although I am sure that everyone else can relate. Our little Olivia...