‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season for a break from blogging and social media, to focus on year-end ministry work, the reason for the season, and enjoy one on one time with our kids during their school break. See you in 2020! (How is it possible that it’s going to be 2020?!) There are...

What Are You Going To Do With Your Grief?

Originally published in the October 2019 digital edition of National Right to Life News:   www.NRLC.org. I know I’m far from alone in finding the news that more fetal remains were found in the trunk of abortionist Ulrich Klopfer’s car beyond the 2,246 stashed in his...

Pain Travels Through Families

The pain of my birthmother’s abortion ends with me. The ripple effect of that forced abortion across our family ends in this generation of my half-sisters and me, instead of continuing its devastation throughout our children’s lives and thereafter. The story of...

Beyond Division

It’s a funny thing, living a life that is seen as “controversial.” My life shouldn’t be seen as such, but we know the way that I entered this world is seen as controversial; so by it’s very nature, I, myself, am lumped in with it. Some might argue that if I had just...

Inspire Hope

Inspire Hope. This was the theme of a banquet for the Hope Pregnancy Center in Pontiac, Illinois, which I spoke at recently. Seems fitting, considering the name of their Pregnancy Center, right? But as I met the staff, the board, the clients, and the supporters of...


“When I heard you talking tonight about how often coercion and force happen in abortions, it really hit me. That was my experience. It was my mother.” I hear circumstances like these time and time again, but this time it was different. “My mom took my girlfriend for...