Forty years worth of grief. And hope.

I’ve been emotionally and physically exhausted lately, on the verge of tears for what appears to be no reason for the past few days. Restless. It’s been nearly impossible to get anything done. I can’t focus. Something’s been bothering me, but...

Unplanned Part 2

Earlier this week, I posted Part 1 of this 2-part article. Here’s the link to the first if you need to catch up… 2. Understand that there is power in saying “yes” and power in saying “no” to things. I’ll admit it. I...

Unplanned Part 1

“Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me”—Carl Sandberg. I always want to add a footnote onto Sandberg’s quote that says, “but not by God.” Many, if not most, of the greatest blessings I’ve received in...

We Are The Gards

“You proved us wrong today, that’s something we don’t say very often.” As the young resident doctor spoke these words to me two and a half years ago in Ava’s hospital room, I cried hot tears of relief mixed with anger and frustration. I...

The Power of One Life

The power of one life. Living this life of mine, I think about this often. Goodness knows, for anyone that’s heard me speak at events or give lectures, it’s also something that I talk a lot about. Certainly, it’s something that I feel incredibly...