Hurry, Christmas

Confession: I’m one of *those* people who starts longing to put the Christmas tree up as Halloween rolls around. I’m not sure when that pining began, since growing up, my dad fought for Thanksgiving to be given the respect, time and food it justly deserved. There...

Me, Too

“Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.” Strong words, I know. Those words leapt out at me as I read an article recently in Time magazine by Laurie Penny about the recent “Me, Too” response to Harvey Weinstein’s behaviors and the reality that this isn’t just...

Have I suffered enough?

  “Have I suffered enough?” I’ve been turning this over in my head a lot lately. I tend to do that pretty frequently, but it seems to happen most consistently this time of year. Maybe it’s because I subconsciously recognize that decades ago, at this very time, I...

My Adoption Family Tree

  I remember what it was like as an adoptee when I was asked to complete a genealogy tree decades ago in grade school. Back then, of course, I knew very little about my biological family. Although my tree was lush with information about my adoptive family, I...

Letting Go Part 2

Continued from Part 1 last week…. From my earliest experiences with control as a teenager and young adult, I had mistakenly come to believe that I could balance my attempts at control in the face of God’s plans and come out on the winning end of things. It...

Letting Go-Part 1

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on”—Havelock. I’m a recovering control freak. The heady feeling of having power over my life, of any circumstance, great or small, however false in reality it truly was, helped me to get through...