Abortion Survivor Melissa Ohden Reflects on Miscarriage, Pt2
This is a continuation from part one, Abortion Survivor Reflects on the Pain of Her Miscarriage. “Was this pregnancy planned?” the doctor asked Ryan and I, as we sat in her office the morning after our ultrasound, for what was to be our first scheduled prenatal...
Overcoming Miscarriage With the Help of Faith in God Note: This is the third and final part of a series on miscarriage from abortion survivor and national speaker Melissa Ohden, who shares her own story about recently overcoming the pain and grief of a miscarriage through a strong belief in God. Read parts...
From Surviving to Thriving, the Journey in Overcoming
The funny thing or maybe, more correctly, the not so funny thing about the journey in surviving, thriving and overcoming is that it isn’t a one-time event. It’s a process, and in reality, our lives are full of experiences and events that will challenge us, provide opportunities for emotional, mental, physical, relational and spiritual growth, and through God’s grace and our personal choices in those moments of adversity, we can overcome them and in doing so, become better people.
Even though I had been working on this book for some time, I didn’t truly understand this concept until November of 2011, when we lost our second child through a miscarriage at 11 weeks. Although I have survived, thrived in the face of, and ultimately overcome many adversities in my life, I had, what I realize now in hindsight, taken for granted that a new and often even more painful experience or event is just around the corner, no matter how many storms we have weathered in the past, no matter how deep our relationship with Christ or how strong our faith.
Pregnancy Adds Perspective
…As mothers, we instinctively concern ourselves with our children’s safety and well-being, whether they are playing in the yard or growing in our womb. I will stay on guard for both of my children all of my life, regardless of their location.
Happy BIRTHday, Mr. President
I believe, in my heart, Mr. President, that considering your own childhood, you understand how every human life matters and has value, regardless of how they were conceived. Despite the stance that you have taken time and time again that fails to acknowledge the importance of lives like mine, I wish you a blessed birthday. I will continue to pray that your heart and mind be transformed, and that someday soon ALL children, regardless of circumstance or situation, will be valued and given the same opportunity as you to celebrate their birthday.
Suicide Spikes Among Middle Aged Women (The abortion link)
Suicide spikes among middle-aged women? When it comes to abortion, the effects are far-reaching and detrimental, not just for children, but for women.
Forgiveness and Healing-Upcoming Webcast
Having an abortion can leave women and men with emotional and psychological pain that lasts for years. If you struggle with regret from your decision, don’t miss a safe and honest, encouraging episode of Your Family Live next Wednesday, May 18th, as we help you find...
A Voice for Life
What was once just a mere thought is now a reality! The documentary, A Voice for Life, will be premiering in just a few short weeks at the Heartbeat International Conference in Columbus, Ohio, on May 19th. A Voice for Life is a pro-life film that is the result of God...
The Apathy is Killing Me
I often hear it said that in general, apathy is one of the greatest problems facing our country and literally the world, today. Rather than taking a stand one way or the other on issue, rather than getting involved in support of or against a particular circumstance...
Need Hope? Need Help?
While my website is under construction, I wanted to make sure to have a list of resources available to anyone who is in need of resources and supports in the face of pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and adoption search and reunion. These resources will be soon moved to...