
There is more–You are not forgotten-Devotion day 1

As you have seen me mention in recent blog posts, there is more to life than what we can even imagine. There is more hope, more love, more joy, more peace, more purpose, more forgiveness than we can comprehend. No matter what you are going through, I know there is more in store for you, because I’ve seen it in my own life. Although I trust in His goodness, I’ll be honest. There are times when I’ve written something off for my life, because I’ve thought, “He has blessed me so much. Surely, He can’t bless me in this area, too.” And, of course, in true God-style, He then shows me that He can and He will bless me that much, much more than I ever imagined was possible. I want you to experience that same super-abundance of blessings from God by accepting that no matter what you have gone through, you are loved, you are forgiven, you can experience peace and joy, and there is hope. Through Him all of these good things flow. The question is, are you willing to accept that they are, or are you stuck in a place where you think that you are being punished, or you are unloved, unworthy, or forgotten?

I have found a wonderful devotion series online by Family Life,, which addresses this very issue. Each week, I will be sharing my own thoughts with you, along with a new devotion from their series, in the hopes that it helps you on the journey to acknowledging and accepting more for your life. Today’s devotion focuses on the struggle so many face with feeling alone. The first step, in my opinion, to accepting that there is more for your life, is accepting that God has not forgotten you—you are not alone.

The Book of Life

God is not only the Creator of life, but He is also the Author of life. The story of each of our lives was written long before we were created, and although sin and the consequences of sin in our world today often lead to man rewriting the story of life as it was originally written, God continues to write straight with even these crooked lines and He continues to write the story of our lives. Yet so many people in our world today don’t recognize or even want to accept the story of their life as He has written it. We want to erase a couple of sentences here or rewrite a few paragraphs there. We want to rip out a couple of pages or maybe a few chapters. The story of a life, however, is not meant to be a half-finished work or re-edited by man. All of the trials and tribulations, brokenness and restoration, sin and redemption, make up the story of our lives, which are beautiful as He has written them, if we just step back and look at the voluminous work of our lives as a whole.

The story of my life could have been a very short one on this Earth. “A child was conceived in love and killed in an abortion.” Sadly, this is similar to the story of fifty-six million children in the United States alone in the last 40 years of legalized abortion. Yet what man intends for evil, God intends for good, as Genesis 50:20 tells us. For the record, I don’t believe God originally wrote abortion into my life, as God is the Creator of life, but when it was introduced by man, or in my case, a woman, He rewrote the story of my life around it, wrapping my life up in His infinite glory and goodness, to create the story of a life that is more intricate, more beautiful, more redemptive, more grace-filled, than anything anyone else could have planned or written. God has taken the short sentence of a life that was written for me on earth and turned it into paragraph after paragraph, chapter after chapter, volume after volume.

There Is More…

There is more to life–more hope, more love, more joy, more peace, more forgiveness, more purpose, than we can even comprehend. This reality was made glaringly clear to me over this past year, as our family experienced a very blessed move, new employment for my husband, many exciting achievements for Olivia, and our pregnancy with our child due to be born this summer. But even more so, this reality was made transparent to me through the reconciliation that I’ve experienced with members of my biological mother’s family and through it, I learned more about the story of my life. Although I trusted in God that if it was His will for me to have more contact with them, it would happen in His time, truthfully, I had moved on from believing that it would ever happen. But there is so much more to life…..

A letter from an abortion survivor to her unborn baby

You, my dear child, are one of the reasons why pro-lifers will soon be gathering in Washington for the March for Life, even though it will be a long time before you understand this. I look forward to the day when I can tell you the story of marches past, and how millions upon millions of people day in and day out, fought for lives like yours and mine.

How Much Pain Did I Experience in the Abortion I Survived?

As originally posted by LifeNews on November 15, 2013   I pinched my finger in a door the other day, and as I let out a yelp of pain in response, simultaneously, a thought suddenly flashed through my mind that I hadn’t let cross it in a long time: ‘I wonder how...

Adoption Is An Option That Everyone Can Live With

As originally printed as 'My Parents Adopted Me After I Survived an Abortion' on LifeNews on November 4, 2013 “They were called to be his parents, and I was just blessed to be a part of it.”  These were the sentiments that a birthfather shared at New Life Family...

And the greatest of these is love

My challenge to each pro-lifer is the same one I make to myself: to consider how I have helped to further strengthen each leg of the three legged stool of truth, legislation, and love.

We may not all be gifted to write legislation, but we can certainly contact legislators. We can share information with others about various bills thereby also supporting the second leg of the stool, truth.

We can provide others with scientifically-based information so that they understand the marvels of fetal development. You and I can help dispel the ugly myths that surround abortion and “unwanted children” (which is how I started my day today as I went through my emails).

The simplest, yet seemingly sometimes the hardest thing that we can do, is love. But speaking in love to someone who disagrees with us on the issue of abortion makes it possible to share the truth with them. Showing love to a girl or woman who is so distraught she contemplating abortion may save her and her baby. Giving love to someone who is post-abortive helps her understand there IS forgiveness.

While we may not be able to do something that relates to each leg of the three-legged stool of truth, legislation and love each day, we can most certainly do something that might seem insignificant.

I truly hope that you take advantage of your day because every effort on behalf of the little ones and their mothers–no matter how small–echoes with eternal significance.