
”You become. It takes a long time…Generally, by the time you’re Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all..” A friend posted this photo recently on FB,...

Don’t Go Deaf to the Beauty of Who You Are

“What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned in your life?” Someone asked me this recently, and I’ll be honest: I had to pause and really think about it. I’ve lived what feels like many lives, in seemingly every corner of my life: my career, my knowledge about my life...

That’s Okay!

There’s a handful of phrases you will hear frequently at our house. “I love you,” of course, is one of them. “Lexi, off,” is another, thanks to our rather energetic dog. “I got it,” is another, compliments of the stage of development our five-year-old is in, which has...