As originally posted on on October 4, 2016:
I will never forget when, years ago, a writer commented that it was “creepy,” when I indicated that children survive abortions like I did in 1977, far more often than most in our world would care to admit. “Creepy” is understandably not the word that I would use to describe the matter or frequency of our survival. It’s a miracle that any of us survive. The fact that there are more than one of us (my count currently through The Abortion Survivors Network is 209 worldwide) isn’t “creepy,” it’s powerful.
While most of the statistics and information that I have about abortion survivors is qualitative as opposed to quantitative, as Arina Grossu, MA, the Director of Human Dignity with the Family Research Council testified at the House of Representatives Constitution subcommittee hearing on September 24, 2016, “even the federal government admits it happens and statistical evidence validates that it happens more often than we may think. Data reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show the incidence of born-alive abortion survivors who are killed in the U.S.”
As Ms. Grossu’s testimony reflects, “The CDC collects mortality records statistics including on the underlying cause of death of infants. Infants born alive after “termination of pregnancy, affecting fetus and newborn” are classified under the ICD-10 code P96.4. Those who are classified under this code are infants who are born alive after a miscarriage as well as those born alive after an attempted abortion. Two CDC databases show that between 2003 and 2014, there were somewhere between 376 and 588 infant deaths of babies born alive under this code.”
Can we determine from this code how many of these infants actually survived abortions? “In one review, the CDC determined by looking at the cause of death of those 588 babies, that 143 of their deaths could “definitively” be classified as infants born alive after an attempted abortion.” And lest one think that maybe they were “incompatible with life,” in the words of the abortion industry and liberal media, the data reflects that 48% of these babies lived between one to four hours!
One hundred forty-three! And that’s only of those that are recorded in an 11 year period! We’ve had nearly four of these eleven year periods now since Roe v. Wade. How many hundreds if not thousands of children have survived abortions based on this CDC data alone, let alone those that are simply not recorded?
I would encourage you to read more of Arina’s testimony and the references for these CDC statistics at, and share them with others.
One abortion, one abortion survivor left to die is one too many. And the statistics indicate that we are looking at far more than just one.
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