As published in National Right to Life News Today on May 30, 2013:
If you had to stand before a child who was condemned to die simply because of who they were, what would you say if you heard….
“I’m sorry you were a girl, I really wanted a boy.”
“The women are only allowed to have boys.”
“We only want a child who is born healthy….but only because we want to save you the pain and difficulty of living a life as someone with a disability.”
“I don’t think that I have what it takes to care for a child like you.”
If you had to stand before a child who was condemned to die simply because of when they were created, what would you say if you heard…
“The timing is just not right for me.”
“I’m too young, too old, too busy, too unstable financially, too unstable emotionally to have you right now.”
“This is not what I planned. I will have another child someday when the timing’s right.”
“She’s too young to have a child right now. She has the rest of her life ahead of her.”
“But they weren’t married.”
“They’re too old to have children—what young child wants to have a parent who is elderly?”
If you had to stand before a child who was condemned to die simply because of how they were created, what would you say if you heard…
“You were a mistake.”
“You bring up all of the memories that I have of your father.”
“You reminded me too much of the bad things that happened to me.”
“You reminded me of the mistakes that I have made.”
“No woman should have to carry a child like you who was conceived in (rape), (incest).”
If you had to stand before a child whose mother saw abortion as the only option available because of lack of support from her family and friends, what would you say?
“I’m sorry—I was just too busy with other things to take the time and talk to your mother.”
“I’m personally pro-life, but who am I to say anything to anyone else about what they should or shouldn’t do?”
“I really thought someone else would get around to talking to her about it.”
“I just don’t feel comfortable talking to people about things like this.”
If you had a chance to stand before a child whose survival depended on your time, your prayers, your skills as a volunteer or worker in the pro-life movement, or your financial support to organizations and pregnancy centers who work to save and transform lives each day, what would you say?
“I didn’t have the time. Or the resources.”
“I have nothing to offer that would be of benefit to anyone.”
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