As originally posted on on September 19, 2016. Written by Melissa Ohden:

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year now since the Center for Medical Progress’ videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s practices came to light, raising the consciousness of the greater American public and individuals around the world about the practices of abortion and the harvesting of body parts.

It’s hard to believe that it’s now been just over a year since the ‘Planned Parenthood Exposed’ hearings were held, in which numerous experts and individuals impacted by abortion, like Sue Thayer, the former Planned Parenthood Director who is now a pro-life activist, Luana Stoltenberg, who is post-abortive and a tireless crusader for women and children through the efforts of Operation Outcry, and even those of us who have survived abortions–in particular, Gianna Jessen and myself, all testified in defense of lives being protected.

I’ve reflected a lot over the past year about where we’ve been as a nation historically when it comes to the protection of life, where we stand in regards to this currently, and where I think that we’re headed. I’ve shared those thoughts with others quite frequently over the years, but a question posed to me last weekend led me to contemplate about how this point in time, one year after the Planned Parenthood videos were shared and the hearings were held, is an important time to finally pen those thoughts onto paper.

“Where do you see the pro-life movement in regards to abortion in the next 10-15 years?”

This was the poignant question posed to me recently at the Montana Catholic Conference’s Culture of Life Conference in Helena.

It’s one of those questions that I know many of us involved in pro-life ministry and advocacy are asked, and certainly it’s one of those questions all pro-lifers reflect upon.

“I see that abortion will be unthinkable,” I replied. That’s not just a sound bite or a quip statement that I was making that day, in an attempt to answer that question. It’s what I truly believe, and I see well underway in our world today.

I’ll be honest with you. When I left that hearing last September, having testified before the House of Representatives committee, I was emotionally and physically spent. Exhausted. Yet, I found myself filled with an exuberance that was unshakable.

Yes, Gianna and I testifying together that day was a historic event. That put a bounce in my step.

Yes, I had faced my own fears and advocated for lives like ours in a forum that is, by and large, unfriendly and unsupportive of our cause and our lives, as survivors. That put a little more bounce in my step.

But my joy that day and in every day thereafter has come from witnessing the good that has come about from the CMP videos and the Planned Parenthood hearings.

If I can be brutally honest–I left the Rayburn building that hot September day in 2015 realizing that I don’t put my faith in the politicians there or elsewhere.

No offense to any legislators, especially those who have remained steadfast in their unwavering commitment to the protection of life from the moment of conception until natural death, but my faith stands in God alone.

And I left that day recognizing that no matter how anything proceeded with defunding Planned Parenthood, God would make good of it all.

He already had that day–I could feel it. His presence in that Congressional room was unmistakable.

He already had that day, as witnessed by the significant media coverage of the hearing and how social media further shared our testimonies far and wide before we had even stepped foot out of the building.

But the greatest good, the good that tells me that we are well on our way to abortion being unthinkable, has occurred outside of those Rayburn building doors.

What does this good look like?

It looks like videos of our testimonies before Congress being shared millions and millions of times.

It looks like individuals who were not previously interested or actively involved in pro-life efforts contacting me and countless others across the nation and in their local communities to discover how they could get involved.

It looks like many pregnancy centers experiencing a steady influx of volunteers and donors.

It looks like continued efforts like the 20-Week abortion ban and the Born Alive Act being introduced or discussed at the Federal level.

It looks like state after state defunding Planned Parenthood.

It even looks like abortion supporters no longer hiding behind words like choice but instead admitting that they know abortion ends a life and they will fight for this “right.” I think this is a very good thing…lies are being stripped away and those who are pro-abortion are seen as just that.

My list of the good that I have seen over this past year as a result of the CMP videos and Planned Parenthood hearings could continue on and on. But instead of continuing on in my list, I would love to hear from you–what are some of the good things that you have seen over this past year?